Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chapter 1

What six key issues should a teacher consider when looking to integrate technology?

The six key issues a teacher should consider when looking to integrate technology include using technology in teaching, motivating factors, barriers to technology use, ideas for technology use, teaching methods, and students and technologies


The key issues that I hold to be the reasons I would use technology in teaching are motivation factors, teaching methods are expanded by the use of technology. If I had to label myself according to the Rogers Innovation Adoption Curve I would probably be in the peak between the early and late majority. Call me a skeptic but I don’t like o be the first to try something I like for others to work most of the kinks out of things first and I know what to expect when I start it but at the same level I don’t like being the last either because by then it may be outdated and I would lose the opportunity to learn new things. I like to incorporate fun things with education including sports and technology. I use this technique now to train new hires at work and this causes them to relax and relieve some of the stresses and nerves usually involved with dealing with corporate people from ones employer. I use it to make others feel we share a common interest and a lot of times have a starting point for conversation. In the day in age I feel we live in the information age for a reason and if we limit our students to the limitations of what they can find in textbooks and what I can offer them I say that I am limiting the amount of education that they deserve to receive from me and our school systems.

1 comment:

  1. Motivation factors can indeed limit the use of technology in the classroom. Although as an early/late majority person you may not be out there on the forefront, it sounds like you would be exploring and watching how the innovators are trying things and willing to do so after others 'trial and error' - that's a start! :)

    Don't forget to address the other two components of this journal post assignment for future!
