Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reflective Essay

  Reflective Essay
                Prior to this school year I hadn’t really put into perspective just how closely technology and education are wound together. I hadn’t considered how technology would affect me as an instructor, and how it would be incorporated into my lessons. Although I do not always agree with the incorporation of technology in all aspects of our school, I now have a vast amount of new ideas that I will be using in my future.
                In my opinion EME 2040 did a great job of incorporating our learning objectives with new and engaging lessons and activities, and projects. The best example of enhancing communication was our online discussion board; it is definitely an approach that I plan on using with my students. I believe that many more students were involved in the online discussions compared to in class discussions because shy students do not have to worry about unwanted attention. The textbook also explained many effective communication tools that can be used to get all students involved in class discussions, and assignments without having to rely on the traditional forms of presentation. This was one of my favorite lessons because I am constantly trying to find ways to help shy students express themselves without having the fear of presenting in front of a classroom. I feel that by finding creative ways for these students to communicate their ideas it allows them to dedicate more time on creating work that will enhance their education rather than having them focus on “trying to get through” an embarrassing situation. In EME 2040 we experience a variety of different forms of communicating with each other such as through this blog, the discussion board, and a Power Point presentation. Of all of these assignments I felt that the most effective in enhancing our communication skills was definitely the discussion board.
                This course focused a lot on Technology/Information Management and we used many different outlets to demonstrate our abilities. The instructional wiki was a perfect demonstration of this; our group came together through solely online communication and created an entire wiki from our own individual components. This was an interesting assignment because we were given the freedom to select our favorite topic from a list provided, and asked to create our own page to translate the information. Each individual page came together to form a whole, and although we each did our own individual work the project flowed uniformly. On the other hand, I did not enjoy the collaborative lesson plan assignment. I like the idea of introducing how to create a lesson plan while using technology but the assignment was not one of the stronger ones. There are a vast amount of resources for lesson plans on the web, and it is difficult to create a lesson plan that is not very similar to lesson plans that have already been created. I feel that I dedicated more time trying to create original content rather than focusing on the main goal of the assignment. Throughout the textbook there were an abundance of different ideas on how students can manage information using technology. The most important lesson that I took from this course was that of internet safety and ensuring that students are aware of the dangers of the internet. These dangers are not only about ensuring that your personal information isn’t in the wrong hands, but also about browsing websites that provide accurate and reliable content. Because our schools are integrating technology at a rapid pace, it is imperative that we make sure our students are safe and that both teachers and parents are knowledgeable on how to protect them from all aspects of internet dangers.
                The power-point presentation was a fun assignment because it allowed us to get to know each other based on what each of us chose to discuss in our presentations, I also enjoyed learning about the Pecha Kucha method, and I do think it is a method that I will introduce to my students in the future. I was not against this project but I do not think that an entire assignment should be dedicated to this in the future; maybe the instructor can expose us to one or two examples of this method rather than having each student create one individually. Some interesting discussion topics that I encountered were both the Assistive/Adaptive technologies and Technology Assisting ELL students. There topics really helped me understand social-cultural responsibility because they caused me to reflect upon real life situations and I was asked to come up with solutions using technology based on methods we were learning about. The feedback and posts from my classmates also brought to light many interesting ideas and methods that I will be using in the future. Because of these topics I will be more aware of my students and I will incorporate different teaching methods into my lessons so that students of all abilities can succeed. One way of doing this is to hopefully have an interactive whiteboard in my classroom, before EME 2040 I had not experienced a lesson with an interactive whiteboard and I hope that I am able to use one with my students in the future. This is an excellent way of helping both visual and hands on learners at the same time, without having to make students feel out casted. Look how cool it is!

 One of the technologies that I will share with my students is khanacademy. After having used this site myself I am thoroughly pleased with their lessons. I would definitely use this outlet for students both in the classroom and also as a study recommendation for students that have some trouble understanding certain topics. Another great website that I have been keeping up with and will continue to keep up with comes from our Journal Post #8, Speed of Creativity. This is a blog by Wesley Fryer that presents current ideas and methods of using technology with students and helping keep them engaged.
                Overall I enjoyed this class and I was pleased with the variety of projects that were assigned throughout the semester. I enjoyed learning about new and innovative methods that will soon be affecting my career, and how I can use these technologies to my benefit. Unfortunately I am not a big fan of total technology incorporation, and in my ideal world I would still have students read from a textbook rather than e-books or hand held readers. I would also prefer to take students on physical fieldtrips rather than virtual ones, and I will always strive to “unplug” my students. I am happy that I attended this course because the main lesson I will take away from it is that instead of fighting technology I can use it to benefit both myself and my students.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Chapter 10

Journal Post 9
“This I Believe”
            Robert’s “This I Believe” project has a lot of potential to be successful, especially with the help of technology. His first goal is to read and hear different types of “This I Believe” essays and there are many ways Robert can do this in a way to keep the students engaged. He can use the video projector to play some inspiring versions of this essay such as Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech conveys a similar tone. A video would help students visualize the power and emotion that can be expressed through words that the writer truly believes in. The essays can also be found as media files that the students can download into their iPods so they can listen to them at their convenience. He can also project the actual essays and have the students take turns reading them aloud while he makes real-time adjustments, highlights important information, or points out important areas which the students may have missed.
            Robert’s second goal is to have them write their own “This I Believe” essays and share them with other members of the class. Personally, I would have each student type their essays so that they can use the computer’s spell check features to help them with any grammatical issues they may be having. The students can type their essays on a program such as Google Docs which would allow them to type their essay and then allow them to share it with the teacher or the class through the program. This way, students that are shy can have their essays read by Robert and their peers without them having to stand in front of a classroom and read aloud. Google Docs also allows the writer to give permission for readers to edit their work, this way the student can allow the teacher to correct their essay as many times as needed without having to waste paper. Students that have a difficult time coming up with ideas may become inspired by listening to songs that motivate them, or express positive messages. Robert can have students share their songs with the class and he may share some of his own.
            Robert’s third goal is to develop greater confidence and improved skill as a creative and expressive writer who can then perform successfully on the English exam. I feel that this is where technology and creativity would have the greatest bond. After each student has completed their essay, they should be allowed to choose their own way to present it to the class, because reading an essay out loud may not always be entertaining or engaging for each student, also, not every student may feel comfortable doing so. Students that are comfortable with the spot light may choose to simply read their essays aloud, act out their essays, or present their essays in their own creative way. Students that are not so comfortable with these methods may choose to create a short movie, PowerPoint presentation, or even create a form of multimedia such as a CD that each student can play individually. This would allow them to express their ideas while taking the direct focus away from them. By allowing students to express their ideas in their own way, it allows them to feel more comfortable writing about what they truly believe in because they may not feel the added pressure of having to physically present their essays.